Member-only story
We Need To Protest Sin
All Commandments Matter
Yahshua answered them, “Yes, indeed! I tell you that everyone who practices sin is a slave of sin. (Yochanan 8:34, CJB)
Humanity’s Preexisting Condition
Remember the good ‘ole, simpler days of Covid-19? When we were in the disorienting embryonic stages of the epidemic, that blossomed into a pandemic? Remember when we were washing our hands whilst simultaneously singing, humming, or whistling our favorite song for twenty seconds? Remember when we hurriedly went to stores in our respective municipalities, stocking up on copious amounts of tissue paper and hand sanitizer? Remember social distancing? How we had to stay six feet away from each other? Remember self-isolating and being quarantined with your family? Remember the Stay Home, Stay Safe executive orders, to flatten the curve? Remember the murder hornets? Remember the way New York Governor Andrew Cuomo pronounced the word, “ventilator”?
To be super explicit and transparent, I say the aforementioned in jest. Simultaneously, I wouldn’t dare to be flippant or negligent of the fact that Covid-19 has caused a plethora of people, globally, to lose dearly beloved ones; from family members, friends, and contemporaries in general. Chalilah li! Far be it from me to ever engage in such Torahless, stony-hearted behavior. May…